My Family

My Family

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First day of Kindergarten

No more sleeping in for me, 6:45 came early for me Friday, August 10.  I wanted to at least start off the school year with Brody eating a good breakfast.  My goal is to put away the poptarts for school mornings, which means I will have to get up and have breakfast ready for him.  As long as you tell Brody the night before what's for breakfast then he will be ok the next morning.  Here's what we decided for the first breakfast.

After eating breakfast he was so excited to get dressed in his new clothes.  I am so blessed to have a boy who is pretty independent and since his clothes are picked out for the week all he has to do is pull out the next outfit and put it on.  He does so good with this.

Of course I can't have the first day of school without picture time.

A new idea for him to complete each year and where he signs his name at the bottom.

The new backpack - he thinks he's so grown.

So thankful that Jason was able to go with us to take him to school that morning.  Trevor spends a little time with Nini in the morning while we took Brody to school - so glad Nini is willing to do this.

 Off to find his classroom

Mrs. Proffit's Pufferfish.

He knew exactly what to do - like he had done it before.

 He was so happy.  The great thing with Kindergarten is they do a staggered start which means only a third of the class is there each of the first 3 days.  There were only about 5 kids on Friday.  This gives both the teacher and the students a time to get adjusted to each other.

There were no tears from either one of us.

Brody and Mrs. Proffit.  He is so happy to have her as a teacher.  She is very creative with the things she does, which I know will keep Brody's attention.

When I picked him up at 2:00, he was SO EXCITED.  The first thing he told me was about a book they read "Pete the Cat" and they looked all over the school for him.  I just love the enthusiasm and I pray it lasts.

I thought it was only appropriate for a little treat after the first day of school.

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