My Family

My Family

Monday, August 27, 2012

Finally a routine

We all love summer, but it is actually nice to finally get into a routine.  Brody has been in school now for a couple of weeks, so we are trying to get into our routine.  I knew I wanted needed Brody to help me in the morning so we can get out the door on time, so I searched and searched for ideas for a chore chart for him to use.  We have used ones in the past that we had to put stickers on, but that took too much time.

I finally came up with this one that is laminated and we just check things off.   I also make it pretty simple so we or Brody wouldn't get overwhelmed and we can try and stick with it.

Once he gets his weekly money then he splits his money between these 3 jars that I made.  He had something temporary in his room until I could make something that looked better.  These were so easy to make and FREE!!  These were old salsa jars that I spray painted the lid and used my Silhouette to put the labels on - so easy and the best thing is that Brody loves it and it is teaching him about money.

So you may be thinking yeah that sounds great but how in the world do you get the "sticky" stuff off of the jars.  I did some googling and found this great idea that actually worked - peanut butter on the sticky stuff and the natural oils breaks down the sticky.

Then you have a perfectly reusable jar.  Lately, I have been reusing jars quite a bit.  I used them at Trevor's party for the goodie table and it worked great.  I feel like it's such a smart way to save money.

Another way I have helped us get into a routine is to reorganize Brody's closet.  It wasn't TOO bad before  school started - I mean he had bins with like items in them, but they were a little flimsy and weren't labeled.

So, off I went to try and make his closet look better.  After 6 new bins from IKEA (haven't you read before that I LOVE this store) and a few labels, his closet looks better.

My favorite bin is the bottom left that is for his school clothes.  On Sunday, I pick them out for the entire week and put them in there which allows Brody to get dressed all by himself and help our mornings go smoother.

I hope we can keep it up because so far we get to school right on time.

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