My Family

My Family

Monday, November 19, 2012

My little reader

As a first time mom of a kindergartener I have had to learn a lot because it has been a long time since I was there and lots has changed.  One of these changes is something called AR or Accelerated Reader.  This is where the kids read books and take a test to see how well they comprehended the book - I kind of wish they had something like that when I was younger, because maybe I would comprehend better.

Anyway, there are different levels of books and each book is worth so many points.  Each kid has an amount of points they must obtain for each 9 weeks.  This doesn't really start until Dec for kindergarteners or until they know 100 sight words, but the librarian noticed that Brody was reading well above his level and he already knew all of the sight words for kindergarten.  She went ahead and assigned him with a green and pink dot which is the 2nd and 3rd level books.  When he checked out his book from the library, he read it that night and we decided to go the next day to take the test in the library.  I don't think he knew exactly what was going on, but he quickly caught on when he answered all 5 questions correctly and everyone made a big deal out of it.

Taking his first test.  For most of the books the computer reads the question and the answers to the student.  Well, when Brody took his second test he had chosen a book that wasn't an audible test but I was so proud when the proctor came out and told me that Brody read each question and answer by himself and complemented him on his test taking skills - I was a proud mama!!

 Brody was so excited to start reading a different book everyday and taking a test.  He loves to read and is doing great at it.  There are times when he reads things and Jason and I just look at each other in amazement.

At the beginning of the year, Mrs. Maddox, the librarian, sent something out to the classes asking for the students to bring a picture of where they love to read and they may see it around the school.

Brody's first book fair was a couple of weeks ago and the school would like for the parents to go with the child to help pick out books.  Brody was excited and 4 books later we were done.  He couldn't wait to read them and this is what I saw that afternoon - reading his new book to his brother - warms my heart.

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