My Family

My Family

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Around the middle of March I was at one of Brody's field trips and one of the dad's from another class started talking about the bootcamp that he does at Ewing Park.  It sounded good, BUT a lot of work.  One thing led to another and 4 of us girls - Stephanie, Christi, Debbie and myself signed up for the Tuesday/ Thursday class.

We showed up to the park with our towel, gloves, and water not really knowing what to expect.  We started by taking all of our measurements so we could see the progress we make in 5 weeks (10 sessions).  

Eric is a Christian and his company is faith based so the Christian music was blaring and off to work we went starting with a 1/4 mile run.  No time to rest just off to do something called AMRAP (as many reps as possible) with things like push ups, jumping jacks, crunches, bicycle crunches, AND the dreadful BURPEES!!

After an hour we were finished and couldn't believe what all we had just accomplished.  My legs were so heavy that night, but I was pretty excited about this new workout - just in time for the summer.

If you want more information about the boot camp, check his facebook page out.

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