Since the summer of 2007 I have been mostly in glasses. My opthalmologist, Dr. Coluccelli is wonderful but I think I have stumped him. He even sent me out to Mayo for them to try and fix me, but more money later nothing helped. I was able to wear my contacts a little before I got pregnant with Trevor, but still not all the time.
Well, after having Trevor my eyes changed ALOT. I wasn't able to see the computer screen or my work very well. This wasn't very good since I work with numbers all day and I handle the payroll. I'm sure the employees were hoping I would add a zero or something. I thought my vision prescription had changed - maybe even got better - so I needed new glasses. Well, that wasn't the issue at all. I couldn't even focus on the letters on the wall to pass a vision test. The dryness had gotten extremely worse and my eyes were inflamed. You know most people have white eyes - well mine are mostly always red.
After about 6 months of strong steroid drops, nightime ointment (this stuff is really gross), no fan in the bedroom for a couple of weeks, 3 pills a day to help produce tears, drops every couple of hours, a HUGE computer monitor at work, and plugs in my tear drops, I am somewhat better. My vision has improved. However, I am still in glasses and will be for a little longer. The doctor says I am about 60% better than when he first saw me but he wants me at 90%. Of course I can't even think about trying a pair of contacts yet.
So, since I'm still in glasses I thought it was time to update my look. I also purchased a pair of prescription sunglasses since I'll be needing them this summer - I was tired of the clip ons I was using.
Hopefully, by the end of this year I will be back in contacts and maybe even be a candidate for lasik surgery. Trevor won't even recognize me without glasses - I won't even recognize myself.
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