My Family

My Family

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

18 Months already

I can't believe my little man is 18 months old tomorrow - Feb 3.  Well today we had his 18 month "well" check - of course lately it seems that everytime we go for a well check we are told we have an ear infection.  Today was no different even though Trevor has been running a fever on and off for over a week now so I was expecting to hear he had an ear infection.

His stats:  25 pounds - 50 percentile; 34 inches tall - 90 percentile

His doctor visits are quite interesting - he screams immediately when the nurse comes in to get his height and weight - you would think she was giving him his shots.  He finally quieted down until it was time to check his ears and she touched the infected one - He was not happy.

We celebrated his visit with a visit to Peterbrooke Chocolate - YUM YUM!!  OK, maybe the visit was really for me but it's hard for me to pass up chocolate covered popcorn.

At 18 months Trevor is definitely our crazy child.  He is into everything.  I am always saying that if he were our first child - he would be an only child.  I guess that's why God usually gives you a calm first child so you'll have more.

Trevor loves to climb on tables - at least 5 times a day I'll look over and he is standing on a table or the benches in the playroom.  He loves to test us.  His latest thing is to open the back door and head out without us knowing so our door stays locked all the time now.  He has the cutest smile which makes it hard to get too mad at him but don't worry we do and then we turn around and laugh.

Some of his favorite words are: mama, daddy, Brody, Trevor, Allye, Buzz, Woody, ball.  He is beginning to LOVE books and is able to sit and listen.  He is able to point out different objects in books like duck, most animals, types of food, etc.  He knows a lot of animal sounds - duck, cat, pig, dog, and monkey.  He even has motions for a monkey.  You can tell he is a huge sponge right now which is pretty exciting.

His eating habits still aren't good - he just doesn't like to try whatever we are having for dinner which is very frustrating.  He LOVES raisins and will go in the pantry to find a box anytime you leave the pantry unlocked - yes we have a HUGE lock on it so he can't go into it.  He still loves crackers and anything crunchy.  However, in the past month he did eat spaghetti for the first time and it was the typical spaghetti mess.

Even though he gets into EVERYTHING he is very loving and loves to give hugs.  His sleeping habits are GREAT - he sleeps about 12-13 hours a night and about a 2 hour nap during the day.  I sure hope it stays this way.

Happy 18 Months to our crazy, loving Trevor!!

Trevor loves his big brother.

Since he is still a drool box, we have taught him to wipe his mouth.  He does well at it and has LOTS of practice.

 He loves Allye - not sure if she always loves him.

This is his look when we tell him to show us his teeth.

Showing off his stacking skills.

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