My Family

My Family

Friday, September 11, 2009

My little one is 4 weeks old

OK, I know this is a little late, but better late then never!! Last week, Trevor was 4 weeks old. He is doing great and filling out pretty well - he's a good eater :) The first 4 weeks of his life were pretty eventful and NOT very quiet. There was construction going on EVERY day at the house and it was never quiet - but he was a trooper he slept right through most of it. Hopefully this will mean he will be able to sleep with a lot of noise going on.

He is currently still sleeping in our room in the cradle - the first 3 weeks he slept in the baby papasan chair and loved it - Brody did the same thing when he was first born. At 4 weeks Trevor was eating every 4-5 hours at night which meant I was sleeping for about 3-4 hours - I guess I couldn't complain too much. I am happy to report that for the past 2 nights though he slept for 5 - 6 hours straight. I am hoping that once he gets in his crib this will continue.

He is struggling with gas and Mylicon is our friend (does this stuff really work??). We have now gone through about 3 bottles of it. As a result, he is a belly sleeper just like his big brother was.

I can't believe it has already been 4 weeks. At times I look back and get so sad because I have been so wrapped up in the addition that I haven't spent a lot of time with Trevor. It definitely is hard to spread my time between Trevor and Brody. However, Brody has been a great big brother and is a big helper for me. There are times he wants a little more attention and we try and accomodate as much as we can.

A sweet big brother.

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