We stayed in a very nice hotel - The Hilton right on the beach. Hilton Head is so nice - lots of cute little shops, great food, and bike paths EVERYWHERE and oh yeah - OUTLET MALLS!! We got there Friday afternoon and it was POURING rain - they say they received 7 inches of rain that day. Thank goodness the weather cleared up for all of us - golf and shopping. While Jason played golf Saturday, Brody and I drove around HH and found some great deals. We picked up Jason and headed to the outlet malls. Brody is growing so fast that I realized he didn't have a lot of cool weather clothes so of course I had to shop and what better place to do this then at the outlet malls.
While Jason played golf Sunday morning, Brody and I rented a bike and rode around HH. It was so much fun. He loves riding on the bike so it was quite a treat. It is amazing how much he is learning - everyday is an adventure. He knows all of his colors so we played "What's that color" and "Where is something 'green' " After the bike ride, Brody played on the beach a little bit before we had to pack up and leave.
When we picked Jason up on Saturday and Sunday, Brody and I walked out to the driving range so Brody could take it all in. Of course Brody was ready to play and he did show off his skills on Sat but Sunday he just sat and ate a snack while we waited.
Cool man in his sunglasses!