My Family

My Family

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Halloween

Yes, I am posting about Halloween 3 days after Thanksgiving - I'm just a little behind!!

As in my last post, Brody and Trevor dressed up as a tennis player and tennis ball for Halloween. Brody was very excited to be the tennis player. However, he wasn't so thrilled about wearing the wig - it took lots of bribing.

Even my dad tried the wig on to try and get Brody to wear it.

Here's the first of many I'm sure - when Brody goes down for nap he likes to fall down on his pillow, well today was no exception except that he missed the pillow and hit the headboard with the side of his face including his eye. Here's the after picture - look at the right swollen eye.

The big Georgia/Florida game fell on Halloween and it's a tradition to have a get together for this game - John & Tracy, Keith and Kelly and Bryan and Tara came over to watch the game. At half time, we got the kids dressed in their costume and headed up to the church for a little while for our fall festivus (as Brody calls it - no he hasn't heard that from Seinfeld). Thank goodness for DVR so we could tape the game and finish watching it when we got home.

At the fall "festivus" Brody and Trevor were entered into a costume contest and won Most Creative - I was a proud mom!!

Baylie and Brody decided to share the horse and ride around the house together - so sweet and I'm sure these will show up in a yearbook somewhere down the road.

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