My Family

My Family

Monday, May 14, 2012

Our final kitchen

So for my birthday back in March, I asked for 2 ceiling lights to be installed in the kitchen, the kitchen walls to be painted and a backsplash to be put up.  Well, everything had been done except for the backsplash.  I couldn't make up my mind between 3 different ones for several weeks, but finally just had to make a decision.

Once the tile was picked out and all of the supplies were purchased, I was ready to go.  My dad came over one morning and we were off and running with our new project.  Neither one of us had done anything like this, but after watching a few YouTube videos and reading some DIY articles, it seemed pretty easy.

The hardest part of the whole thing was using the tile nippers to cut the glass tiles and cutting around the 5 outlets.

You had to work pretty fast so the adhesive didn't dry before you were able to put the tiles up.

Trevor helping Papa mix up the adhesive

We put all of the tile up in one day and then a couple of days later came back and put the grout on it.  This was pretty easy to put on and it just took time and patience to wipe off the excess.

Thankfully my dad and I got along pretty well with each other during the whole process and boy am I glad it's done.

Kitchen Before

Kitchen After

I still have some decorating to do at the top of the cabinets, but it's coming along.  Here are a couple of the items
1) I found something similar at Hobby Lobby but I thought I could make it much cheaper so I bought a cookie sheet at the Dollar Store, spray painted it red, and used my Cameo to modge podge the scripture from Micah 6:8 onto it.

2)  I found this picture at Kirkland's.  It was actually a fluke that I found it, but as soon as I saw it I knew it was meant for the breakfast area.

I am so happy with the new look and almost ready to move onto the next house project.

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