My Family

My Family

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Potty Training Boot Camp

Lately Trevor has been showing signs of being ready to get rid of diapers - he will use the potty everytime before his bath and even a couple of times he has told his babysitters peepee and will use the potty.  So I thought it might be a good time over Memorial weekend to give potty training boot camp a try.  This consists of 3 days staying at home, going NOWHERE, and constantly watching Trevor and telling him "make sure to not peepee in your pants" and "tell mama if you need to go peepee".  I can't even tell you how many times I have said peepee in the last week.  

The first couple of days were rough because he was struggling with his 2 year molars and would cry for about 4-5 hours each night.  I thought what in the world am I doing trying to potty train with these circumstances?  I am crazy, but said I've got to stick it out.  

Since it has been so hot around here lately I thought we would break out their new slip n slide.  We set it up in the front yard, which helps water our grass at the same time since we aren't getting much rain these days.

Very graceful

 The best place to potty train is of course outside so we spent a lot of time outside.

We stayed home from church that weekend to continue the potty training and Trevor was finally getting the hang of it.  We started out in thick big boys but we had a few accidents in them and since he was exhausted from the lack of sleep I thought it would be best to put him in pull ups.  He didn't like to wet them so he would tell us peepee and we would rush him to the potty - success!!

I am happy to say that I think he has the hang of it.  A week later and we are still going strong.  We have actually gone off to do errands and had no accidents.  He is constantly telling us he has to go even in the pool.  Thank goodness he is a boy because we utilize the "outside" bathroom quite a bit.  I just hope he keeps it up because it will be so nice to be out of diapers.

1 comment:

  1. Good for y'all! We are at the stage with Allie where she is telling me she has to go just so she can go to the bathroom (any and all bathrooms) to wash her hands!
