My Family

My Family

Friday, December 27, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

For the past several years we have been having our Thanksgiving at my mom's house with her sister and brother's family.

A very full plate but of course he didn't eat it all.  His eyes are bigger than his stomach.

I was to bring dessert - which is my favorite thing to make.  Of course I can't just make something I have always made - I have to try something new.  I decided to make a chocolate pie, a pumpkin dessert and pecan pie bars.

Well, 1 out of 3 I guess wasn't too bad.  The chocolate had a weird taste to it and my Uncle Chris who is a chef tasted it and said I cooked the chocolate too long.  I learned a valuable lesson.  The pecan pie bars weren't that great but the pumpkin dessert turned out fine.  Needless to say I have deleted a pin or 2 off pinterest.

My dad's 70th birthday happened to fall on Thanksgiving this year so I felt like we should have a little surprise get together that evening.  I invited a few of his friends but some had family still in town and couldn't make it.  So if 3 desserts for Thanksgiving wasn't enough I made a couple more for his party that night.

I went with a Duck Dynasty theme - nothing too fancy.

He was actually very surprised.

Paul and Lynnda Cook - very good friends of our family.

I made a chocolate pecan pie for my dad's birthday dessert. It was ok but definitely on the rich side.

Cards by Trevor and Brody.

LeLe and Trevor. They love their LeLe.

A party isn't complete without PoPo.

When we were in Myrtle Beach this past summer, one of the restaurants had these key lime mints that dad loved. So of course I found them via google and bought him a huge bag.

It's hard to believe my daddy is 70. He does so much for us and is so willing to help anyone out whenever they need him. We had a great Thanksgiving reflecting on what all we had to be thankful for

- first and most importantly my personal relationship with a Loving Savior. I have no idea what I would do without Him
- my loving husband who loves me unconditionally
- my wonderful boys. As crazy as they are I wouldn't change it. 
- my health
- the opportunity to stay home with my boys. As much as I didn't think I would ever be a stay at home mom. It's crazy how God had other plans for me and isn't it crazy how it all works out.

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