My Family

My Family

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Children's Museum- A desperate attempt

A couple of weeks ago, I was determined to take Brody somewhere so he could play. The selection was the Hands on Children's Museum and yes I took both boys - I said was determined. When we showed up I saw a school bus so I assumed it was pretty crowded with a field trip - but it wasn't too bad so we stayed. I put Trevor in the front harness and we were off for Brody to enjoy the day. Once I got in there, I realized how germaphobe I was becoming - can you blame with all the flu and H1N1 stuff going around. It probably wasn't the best time to go to this type of place.

Brody loved the ball pit - which I know has to be the biggest place for germs but we used plenty of hand sanitizer for the day. Thank goodness the field trippers were using it to. The museum also has a mini Winn Dixie in there with shopping carts and all - he was having a blast shopping. However, it was a chore to get him to put the groceries back up. It was the cutest thing to hear him say what all he "needed". At one point he put ALL of the apples in his buggy so none of the other kids could have any - thankfully he did share a couple when they came up and asked.

We stayed for almost 2 hours and I needed to make a quick stop at Hobby Lobby - but nothing is really quick with 2 boys. Of course it was time for Trevor to eat so I grabbed McDonald's and we ate in the Hobby Lobby parking lot while I fed Trevor. Well, this is where the story gets good, funny, sad - take your pick. I put Trevor back in his carseat so I could finish eating and of course I hear him start doing his business - no big deal I think because I'll just change it and we'll be ready to go inside. Well, once I get back there to change him I notice his clothes are a different color as well as the car seat - yes his business had run all out of his diaper and down into the car seat. In all of 2 years Brody was in that seat the cover never had to be washed and Trevor succeeded at doing it at 7 weeks old.

Of course it had to be about 90 degrees that day and so I pull the stroller out of the back (because I need all the space I can get to clean this mess). I put the car seat back there and attempt to start changing Trevor. I must have used about 20 wipes to get that mess up. I couldn't take the car seat inside Hobby Lobby with me because I'm sure it smelled lovely, so Trevor laid in the back of the stroler and screamed the entire time through Hobby Lobby. I could not believe I was doing this but I really needed to get some things at this store - it definitely was a quick trip. When I got home - everything was washed and sanitized real well. Whew, what a day.

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