My Family

My Family

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Upward 2015

January started Upwards Basketball for BOTH boys this year.  This was Trevor's first year and he was SOOOOO excited to play.  Jason ended up being coach for both teams but he was thankful he had assistant coaches for both teams as well.

Trevor's game was always first and only lasted 30 minutes (first was a 30 minute practice).  Watching these little guys play basketball was so cute.  One of Jason's main goal is to try and get all of his players to score at least once during the year.

Brody of course was all use to playing since this was his 4th year playing.  He was still Mr. Defense and was all over the other team - good and not so good since he did receive a few fouls this year.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

January happenings

As the boys headed back to school after a 2 week break we were quite busy in January.

A little Pump It Up fun before going back to school.

Brody's teacher, Mrs. Calhoun, celebrated her birthday on Christmas Day so I thought the kids needed to celebrate with her as well. I made this cake that Brody picked out from the ones on Pinterest I had pinned. It was a chocolate brownie/ cookie dough cake. Talk about a rich cake and huge. The teachers all ate on it for a few days.

Our church held a coat drive one evening where people from all over our town could come and pick up free coats if they needed them. These were all donated from our church members. Here is Brody and Hunter helping clean up afterwards. It was a great lesson for them to learn about helping people in need. 

Trevor is doing great in school however he is not a fan of it some days.

On some days when he gets his clipped moved to yellow he probably doesn't like it either. His punishment when he gets home is to write 5 sentences about what he did. Yeah this is pure torture for him. Thankfully him moving his clip is mostly for just not being able to stay still or quiet - harmless!!

Trevor's class had a few days on snowmen so of course both classes got snowmen snacks.

We went to a skating birthday party one Sunday afternoon for Grady. Now I have not been skating since Our church gym had skates - which was probably about 25 - 30 years ago. I was a little shaky but thankfully didn't fall. The boys had fun and once Brody realized you didn't have to rush through it he even enjoyed it.  Slow and steady wins the race.

We went to see Brody's friend Kate in the hospital one afternoon. The two of them have been in the same class since kindergarten and what's funny is that Jason and her mom were in the same classes together through most of their school as well. She was in there for some stomach pain so we thought we would cheer her up. Well she took us to see "Timmy's Room". The boys thong it was pretty cool.

Brody had his 8 year check up and thankfully did great. We are still keeping an eye on his vision but thank goodness no glasses yet. I am praying that he can get by for a couple more years and just go right into contacts.

We celebrated the 100th day of school with of course cupcakes!!

A shirt with 100 googly eyes - this is a shirt that Brody made in Kindergarten.

Someone was so excited to get a haircut. He has been begging me to get it cut and I caved.

So grown looking.

Just some random cuteness.

We bought this shirt for Liam the last time we were at Disney.

A few months back Brody went to Joseph's with Dominic and they made pizzas. He had so much fun so we had to take Trevor and let them experience it. The pizza was excellent!!

The last week of January was Red Ribbon Week at school - which meant dress up days for the kids.

Red Day

SuperHero day - I was subbing that day so I even had my SuperHero shirt on.

Western Day